Computer Best Tips And Tricks That Advance User Too Don't Know

Computer is an electronic device that converts the data enter by the user to a meaningful information.The  term computer is a very vast term to be known and conquered .As nobody can say that "YES I KNOW ALL THE THINGS OF COMPUTER".This is the most amazing instrument made until now as  all the machines we see are a part of computers configurations. Computers are used in almost every field of human infrastructures like office , school , home , space , technology etc so due to it's higher ability it's demands are also increased and we can see many new feature sin it from time to time.

Many people believe that yes they are the best in the field and know all of these but trust me the new updates will ruin the hopes and ideas as even the softwar
e designer doesn't know  100%  of his work and how to use all the features .So today I'm going to give you some computer's tricks that advance computer engineer too don't know:
Trick :1
Windows God Mode
Windows god mode probably the term you never heard about as about 90% of computer user's are not fa miler with it.Windows god mod is an option of windows that records you'r all the activities and performance and is also a kind of suggester and information giver.
It is a centralized control to all the  operation of the operating system .To open the windows god mode simply follow this steps:

1:Create a new folder but don't name it.
2:Rename it with the bold characters God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} .You will find the folder will change to control panel icon .
3:click the icon and you will find your self inside god mode of windows:

Don't try this by vista user as it will create a serious reboot loop which is very irritating .

You can see all the services of the O.S by the display of it.
You can change the services or update any services.
You can add hardware if you find any missing drivers.
You can remove any services or change it.

Tip 2: Microsoft Configuration  Trick
Microsoft configuration trick is a very powerful trick.It analyzes and displays the services and OS related to computer and helps us to change it according to our need. The popular options in ms config are as follows:
  • Start Up service 

Another helpful and most powerful trick is start up program trick used by all the computers experts.When you install the program some programs are designed to play with your OS to make them appear in the computers screen during start up.They may be helpful but some may be irritating also so we can either enable or disable them by choosing them.To go to this option please visit my other post where I briefly described how to open close and change it
  • Boot 
This feature will help user to choose a default operation system from a list of installed operating system in your computer.This a very handy service as we can change the OS delete a OS or change the timeout between them.
  • Services 

Another important option is service option where we can see all the services of the computer and change or edit them.Here you can find all the services of the Microsoft. You can hide them to see see third party services. 

WE will continuously add if we find rare and unique feature and on your recommendation. So try to give us feedback and options on what should we add further by email or comments.

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