You Tube Tricks That I Bet You Didn't Know.
It us again with a new post today a different one as today we are going to give you some you tube tricks that probably you didn't know. This post is delicate to Harry Kemans who asked us to post this article in Facebook you too can ask us to post a article and we will do that.
YouTube the largest video sharing site where we can view tons of videos is a Google's site. It is owned by Google and it was bought at 1.9 billion rupees and till that day it's rating are sky rocketing. We all can find useful videos on YouTube. This has made us to think that this is the biggest video sharing site but we are missing that apart from video sharing it is more that that. Today we are going to revel YouTube secret tricks and amazing cool cheats.
Trick 1: Play a game in YouTube
Play a game in YouTube seems crazy right but it is true as by a method you can play games in YouTube. You can watch the video too in this page but I am also going to write it on how can you do it.
*Go to a YouTube video to view a video click on this Link.
* Then click on the video to pause it.
* Then click any place outside (Be ware not to click in a link). Just click in a white place outside.
* Type 1980 and you will see a message to click to continue . Click there and Enjoy the Game .
Trick 2: Watch Country Restricted(Banned) Videos
You can easily watch videos that are blocked in your region. To view the videos you just have to make small change in the URL of the video. Change the URL to{video-id} to watch any blocked video or you can try this
Trick 3:To Jump To A Specific TIme
You can open a youtube video at a specific time. Just change the URL of the video from to
and your video will open
in a given period of time. to
and your video will open
in a given period of time.
Here 1 m 49 sec refers the time after video will Play.
Trick 4: Download Any Video
This trick will let you to download any videos from youtube. This is a very useful video as you can download any youtube videos without any software . To do this just follow this steps :
This is the URL of video
now make it
and it will open a new site where you can download your video.
now make it
and it will open a new site where you can download your video.
Trick 5: Go to the Meaningful Part Of Video
Are you disturbed of the annoying parts of videos
or the start up or unwanted message of the video.Now you can jump to a meaningful place by this trick just change the URL from
or the start up or unwanted message of the video.Now you can jump to a meaningful place by this trick just change the URL from to
and go to the useful part of the video.
Trick 6:Repeat A Video
You can repeat a video automatically just like
a loop by changing the URL
from to
a loop by changing the URL
from to
Trick 7:Search Accurately
Searching what you need in youtube is very difficult as you can see many more similar topics in the youtube that may appear as the top of the list and your interest at the middle so to have a more accurate search just to this just add allintitle: in front of any search and you will get a accurate result for example allintitle:Related result will only show related results not other than that.
Notice: This are the tricks owned by the third parties
and not by the Google so some tricks may not work
correctly so inform us and we may fix them for you.
and not by the Google so some tricks may not work
correctly so inform us and we may fix them for you.