How to Display Fake Warning Message In Computer
This post is dedicated to all my visitors and Henry James who asked us this question. Thanks him for the questions and you too can ask us anything by sending us email or message or just commenting and you will get get solutions to your desire.
Computer are really an magnificent device. Honestly it has been the most amazing discovery of humans .Tell me what can't we do now in computer. From
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Prank On How To Display Fake Virus Error In Desktop Screen
This is a very good prank as it displays a virus error
message in the screen.To activate this prank just follow this steps:
1: First of all go to the desktop screen and then just create a new text document or you can use notepad .
2:And in the notepad just type in
@echo off
msg * Important! We are checking you computer for emergency scan.
msg * Alert! Windows Have Detected A Fatal Virus That is Trying To Format YOur Drive Click Ok To Delete This Virus.
msg * Sorry! We couldn't delete the virus. Just Use computer safetly next time.
msg * Your Hard drives are now being formatted
msg * Please wait ...........
msg * Hahahahahaha just a joke.
3: Save it as prank.bat no need to make it prank. bat it can be anything but the extension of the file be .bat like something.bat.
4:Cut that file .
5:Paste the file to the start up of windows so that each time computer will start it will open automatically .
6:Paste it and make the file hidden.
You can change the text you want to show by removing the lines after msg* .Like you can make please wait too loading .
How IT Works?
As we create a new text document and save it in .bat file while time of running it it executes but as echo is off the command prompt won't open as it will run in background.
msg will help in displaying message in the screen and when you will continue it will be closed.As you have saved it at the start up programs the program will be executed at the start up of the computer that makes it more funny to see your friend face on what's going on his computer.
This is a very fun joke to apply to your's friend computer's so just enjoy and keep your suggestions and question's coming?
Supported By:Happy Prank , Pranks Hat .