Tricks To Increase Computer Performance With Picture.
Tips to Increase PC Performance:
Want a remedy for it once and for all and want this to be done and dusted right here right now .Now you can with this killer tips to increase your computer performance:
Trick 1: Run Error Checking on all the Drives
Another most powerful way of speed up performance is just by running error check to all the drives. Windows will check all the error and suggest or them for yourself automatically which always turns out to be a best solution. The steps to run ERROR CHECKING are as follows:
Step 1: Go to My Computer.
Step 2:Right click on a disk (Either C or D or E) and click properties.
Step 3: Go to tools and error checking and check now and that's done your computer will check for errors in your PC.
Trick 2: Delete Malwares and Virus.
Another thing not to miss out is to scan for virus in the PC and to remove them. Virus and malwares have a common home and that is our PC and thus it occupy many memory in our PC and thus make the PC perform slower.Regular check up of Virus should be done and antivirus software must be updated from time and time to get better virus protection.Virus not only uses memory but also eats up lot of disk space thus our hard drive also can't perform fast enough To get rid of virus you can try many anti virus software found online most popular of them are:
- Avast
- Avira
- Northern Anti Virus etc.....
- Trick 3:Reduce Start Up Items
By reducing the load of unnecessary start up items you can boost up your PC performance. Lots and lots of start up items are opened during the time up your computer start up which consume a lot of your physical memory and slows your PC on different occasion. NO only this it also irritates us but different messages and notifications about these software . For this do the following:
- Go to run: You can go to run either by pressing windows key + r button or go to start menu and search run.
- Type msconfig: Type msconfig that stands for Microsoft configuration that configures your programs and software and operating systems.
- Go to start up: Go to start up section and uncheck the programs that you don't want to load during computer start up and that done your PC will be more faster than one before.
Trick 4: Defragment the drive.
Another common but very important topic to be worry about is defragmentation of the disk.We install many software in our PC at one place but there are many files that are scattered during installation or deleting the programs that makes a program to run slow as it have to collect all the files and regenerate it so defragmentation is one of the strong way to speed up your PC for better performance.For this you can apply following steps to make a disk to defragment: