How To Get Facebook Pages Flood Likes

How To Get Flood Facebook Likes
Hello viewers today we are going to post about facebook on how to get How To Get Flood Facebook Likes.
Facebook is the most used social networking till now.We too often use facebook and some us may be addicted to it.We often writes different status and uploads different photos to share what's happening with or or around the world.It's very exiting to share status and images but is totally disgraceful if it is not fulfilled by remarkable like.Many of the user doesn't get many  likes it makes us frustrating and we may stop uploading status and photos. But that in not the solution at all see we must try to share what is happening with us to our friends or others .It helps to increase our happiness and decrease our sadness so to have a flood likes what should we do:
 1: Don't Beg
See you shouldn't beg in the facebook. Things like can i have a like , comment or a share is just totally  disgrace. You have to earn the likes. People post different non sense status and photos and just beg for likes that is totally not cool and solution to your question.

2:Share your status
You have to share your status or photos to the world in order to get more likes. If it can reach the whole world you will definitely get more like than usual.So keep sharing.Ask other popular page admit to share your page too.

3:Buy the likes
So for the starters you just have to buy likes so that it will create impression to others and they too will starting liking your posts in facebook.
Note:Buying like is easy method but you have to pay for it and it is totally use less until someone real will like your post.

4:Change the privacy setting
You have have the privacy setting like only me or my friends only than it is totally useless as you need to show it to the world what going on you.Having strict privacy won't help you you just have to make a common circle where every one can be welcomed.
But in case you have private status you can message it to people or can use the privacy option.

5:Be friendly
If you want people to like your status you also have to like theirs status. This is just like tit for tat as to gain something you must deserve it or sacrifice something in return otherwise you won't be able to achieve it.

6:Add More Friends
See if you have just few friends then just wake up let connect with others. Facebook is a social networking site just know others and make them their friend so that each time you have a status written just people will like it.
Note:But it is still out of facebook terms to add a people you don't know so be careful while adding someone.

7:Post short but Often
You have to post shot but often but not too often too.See if you post in like 4 - 5 days a status it won't help as people seek for more and new things to try to post regularly and new things.

8: Post new and Be creative
This is very important as to get more likes you just have to be more creative and unique.Posting an old status wont make people like you you have to post unique and different thing to caught attraction of people.

9:Be funny
Many people just use harsh words to get likes.But why to use it when you can get double of likes if you become funny in your status.Status having funny jokes or pictures are often considered most liked than other as it makes us laugh which all of us like it.

10:Use animations
See just a text status won't help much.Try surfing and add more and unique photos and videos that is trending world wide and have a deep affect to people's heart and that's how you can get flood likes.

11:Promote Your Page
Try promoting your page by the help of facebook. Face can promote your page by showing in page's recommendation and you can have more likes.

To get likes you hae to be patient see you can't just have more likes in a day you just have to wait till the time when all pepole will know you and that's when there will be flood likes.


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