How To Get Perfect Abs Without Effort
Hello guys we are back again with a new post on body hacks.Today we are going to post something that all the men dream of and the
coolest man in the earth have on and that thing is sexy 6/8 packed abs.Mouth watering isn't it.Now you might think that oh I am too fat to make abs
or oh I can't do it or I don't know any exercise or it is time consuming process and most of people are thinking oh now it takes lot of effort to do it.
Well if you are one of these people than open your mind and think again making great abs is simple as making great hair.Unless you don't have any hair.(JOKE:I am a bald person and I find that offensive LOL).
No need for huge money on gyms , no hard weight lifting and no more dieting for great abs. What I am going to teach you will change your body for ever and trust me many people are seeing great result
from our advice in real time so we decide to share this hack to all of you.Now the question stands how can we do it?Well it's pretty simple and pretty easy.We are going to post some steps that you must follow for curving , sexy , macho looking abs that all men want and all girl dreams in a perfect man.So let's get started with the tips:
Note:We won't be able to put all the tips in one post so we have decided to split them into many parts make sure you see all of them for perfect result.So let's get started :
- Proper Eating :First thing you wanna do before starting any workout of abs is that not to increase any fat in this section so that any workout you do will be destroyed just to maintain your regular shape than the macho save.Avoid eating high fat foods like meats , processed food , junk food etc.Also try to eat daily vegetables rich in vitamins and fibers along with high protein diet like fish , egg and high carbohydrate diet like grains , ghee etc as carbohydrate is the building block of the muscles.Also try lemon water instead of usual water as it also cuts off your fats very quickly.
- Do crunches : This is one of the best exercise out there in the market for perfect abs.
- Lie on the floor and put your both hand in your heads tight with one another.
- Keep your knees up and legs also pointed high.
- Apply force from your chest and abs area and raise up and go down many times without lifting your back.
3. Do Pull ups: You might see this as mad but yes pull ups can really help you for great abs.Well the push up I am going to teach you will work great.
- Grab a door top or a bar .
- Make your legs straight and feet perpendicular to the legs..
- Now pull yourself up with chest and abs area rather than with your hands.
4.Do jack knife:Lie down with your back and extend your arms over your head simultaneously lifting your arms and legs towards the upper walls or roofs unless your finger touches your toes and you come to original position.
5: 120 degree crunches: I think this is the best exercise to do for all.Lie in any table or chair.Put your back in the chair and rest body in the air near to the floor as much as possible.Now do the crunches .And that's how become a macho man.
Well this tips will help you definitely and comment and share for more and as always stay safe keep connecting with us and have a good day.