How To Internet Company Fools You [Psychological Way]
Note:Well there's no way to get you a faster net than your connection to don't be fooled by the scams that are there in the internet just to fool you so be aware of such type of scams.
SO first o all before starting t increase you internet connection
n speed you must really know what your current connection speed is so that you can compare your results.
n speed you must really know what your current connection speed is so that you can compare your results.
You can always check your internet speed by going to this link in the website called Speedtest.Net.
Well this websites also gives you the name of company that are providing internet facilities so that they can compare between your and their results in the web.This way you can really know what really are you getting and what really you should have been getting for your price you paid for the internet connection.
How Internet Company Fools You? [Psychological Way]
Well you may be boasting till now tha hey I got the best internet packages from the best company.I have the best speed of internet than yours.I have a great internet which speed is xyx Mbps and it's guaranteed by the internet service provider.Well if you are one of them just stop now and listen crefully before making any comment. ISP have been fooling people from many years to sell their internet connection in huge amount by their simple computer language.If you really think you haven't be fooled tell me difference between MBPS and Mbps confused ?
Difference Between MBPS and Mbps :
Many of the user have asked us about this that they have internet connection with this Mbps speed but they think they are pretty slow.Well let me tell you that MBPS and Mbps are two really different things.Well supposed my internet speed is 8 Mbps are you happy to see the speed well don't be happy too much cause your friend have 2 MBPS speed and is getting better result.Why?It's simple according to calculation 8 Mbps=1 MBPS so literally you had 1 Mbps speed.
This trick is used by many companies to fooled people to make them think that they had a greater speed than their oppositions and make a best sell in the world.
Well not only this the speed in MBPS are also not used fool as you only can download with max up to 1/15 times it's full speed by regular down loader and with regular file server.
So try to know the exact value of the internet speed before buying something and later on we will show you how to make that speed dynamic with our accelerating techniques.Till then stay safe have a nice day.